Encryption-Suite for thesis with non disclosure agreement (nda)

Handout for students

What is it about?

Thesis with a non-disclosure agreement (nda) may not be made accessible to third parties. Only persons directly involved in the processing of the exam may have access to the thesis. To ensure this protection also for digitally submitted theses, you must encrypt it before uploading it to Moodle.

How to proceed?

Step 1: Preparation

You need the public keys of the two examiners. You can usually find the keys in the "Beschäftigten-Datenbank"


Search for the entries of the examiners and click on "Mehr Informationen...". Under "Public Key (Öffentlicher Schlüssel)" you will find the public key for download.

If no public key is available there, please contact the examiners so that they can provide you with the public key by mail.

Step 2: Encryption

Please open the encryption webpage. There, please select your department and then upload the two public keys of the examiners. If you want other people to have access to the thesis, you can also upload additional keys. After that you can also select the file to be encrypted. If you then click on "Encrypt", the thesis will be encrypted and stored in your download directory.

encryption webpage

Step 3: Deliver digitally

Please upload the encrypted paper to the Moodle directory provided by your department for submission.


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